About Hope
Hope is one of the first mental constructs we develop as infants and remains with us until we draw our last breaths. Many hope scholars consider hope as an existential human need, like water, food, and sleep. Yet, hope can also lead us astray or leave us in desperation when our hoped-for goals are crushed.
As I began to write and talk about hope, I noticed that many people share my fascination with this fuzzy concept. Indeed, hope is relevant to us all, especially in times of uncertainty, hardship, and crisis. In fact, hope shines its brightest light when it is most challenged.
The more I looked into hope, the more I became enchanted by it. The more I discovered, the more it became apparent that the study of hope and its optimal use in our lives is something we should all be thinking about.
Several years ago, I introduced the Bidimensional Model of Hope as a tool for measuring hope and investigating its correlates. To my surprise, the Bidimensional Model has also made it easier to understand what hope is and how we can use it better in everyday life.
Hope Amidst Conflict
A new book from Oxford University Press
“Hope Amidst Conflict beautifully reflects Leshem’s longtime intellectual curiosity into the concept of hope. Combining interdisciplinary expertise in psychology, philosophy, political
science, and conflict studies, this book is a genuinely optimistic account of hope's capacity for transformation. Bravo!”
Prof. Aviad Rubin, Haifa University
“This persuasive book offers an invaluable contribution to our understanding of what constitutes hope and how it can transform conflict. Hope Amidst Conflict will be of immense
value to academics and practitioners alike.”
Prof. Oded Haklai, Queen’s University
תקווה בצל הסכסוך
ספר חדש מהוצאת אוניברסיטת אוקספורד
מהי תקווה וכיצד היא מתפקדת כשהיא מאותגרת על ידי המציאות הקשה של סכסוכים אלימים וארוכי טווח? הספר מתיך תובות פילוסופיות, תיאולוגיות והיסטוריות אודות תקווה עם מחקרים אימפירים מתחומי הפסיכולוגיה, יחסים בינלאומיים ומדעי המדינה כדי לעמוד על טיבו של המושג החמקמק שכל-כך מרכזי בחיינו.